Jordan joined Aplos over the summer at some point on the Customer Support team. As you’ll read below, he’s passionate about skateboarding. Seriously passionate about it. But, he’s also driven day-to-day by helping others. Read on below to find out more about Mr. Jordan Walker as we interview him for our Aplos employee series called Three Answers.
Three reasons why you love working at Aplos?
- I love the culture here at Aplos. We structured this organization around good people, which I value.
- Helping non-profits grow is our way of making the world a better place. I feel like this is my way of contributing to the cause.
- The software industry is awesome. Tech is always evolving, so we are excited about the future.
Three reasons why you love Fresno?
- The diversity we have here is amazing.
- I was a student athlete in college at Fresno State.
- My friends and family are here! Plus, there’s a ton of empty pools!
Three reasons why you love skateboarding so much?
- I love to go fast and live life on the edge. Literally!
- The risk factor makes it truly amazing. It takes a lot of talent and courage to skateboard at a high level.
- It is the most FUN I have ever had in my entire life.

Top three skateboarders of all-time?
ALL my friends, but to name a few…
- Liam Mcalpin — He is like my little brother and taught me everything I know on the board.
- Hesh Pat — He has been skating since the 80’s and is the epitome of “100% Skateboarder”
- Kayl Johnson — Another best friend. I’ve never seen someone 50-50 down a kinked stairway handrail so effortlessly.
Top three skate tricks?
- Frontside Grind (All variations).
- Backside Smith or Backside Tail.
- The “In Transition” Ollie.
Three things people wouldn’t normally know about you?
- I didn’t skate as a youth. I fell in love with it after my collegiate track and field career at 22 years old.
- I was the Fresno State Co-Track Athlete of the Year, and WAC Champion in the 4×4 relay in 2012.
- I lived on the coast for almost 3 years and didn’t try surfing once.
Top three reasons to love track and field?
- It taught me how to discipline my body and my mind. It forced me to never give up, regardless of how much pain I was in.
- I had tremendous success as a sprinter, but it didn’t start out that way. It took several years of commitment.
- Running track at Fresno State made me fearless. I have yet to face a challenge that can compare to the level of competitiveness and commitment.

Top three Harry Potter characters?
- Tom Riddle.
- Serious Black.
- Severus Snape.
Three reasons why Harry Potter is better than Lord of the Rings?
- Sauron was practically a God and still lost. Voldemort was just a man and still managed to create all that chaos.
- I haven’t read LOTR yet, so my opinion is biased.
- There aren’t enough wizards in LOTR, and I am still bummed that Gandalf never had a proper physical rematch with Sauron.
Top three pet peeves?
- People who push mongo. (Note, pushing mongo is characterized by those skateboarders who push with their leading foot, not their hind foot.)
- Longboards are NOT skateboards.
- My least favorite question in the world is… “Oh, you ran track? What is your fastest mile time?”
Three reasons you love Support so much?
- I’ve always had a passion for helping others.
- My co-workers are awesome.
- I take pride in being a team player. We have great chemistry here in support!